Like I ask for tons of love
I have gone back dreaming
So you must lead me through the day
I will touch you night time
And in the loveliest way
I would feel the sunlight
But I could burn from everywhere
Now you must make me a shadow
I will shine for you in there
Postat av: Lova
Hanna, har du skrivit den dikten själv? Jag förstår aldrig när det är ditt eget, eller om du citerar någon låttext eller film. Du borde skriva din signatur på ditt eget! I vilket fall - dikten var underbar. Sista raderna är så vackra!
Apropå din rubrik så måste jag citera en del ur boken jag läser nu (du hade gillat den också, nicole krauss - the history of love):
"...and when I got up for a tissue she'd say 'Let me get it for you I love you so much' and when I had an itch on my leg she'd say 'Is this the spot, let me hug you' and when I said I was going up to my room she'd call after me, 'What can I do for you I love you soo much' and I always wanted to say, but never said: Love me less."